пятница, 13 апреля 2012 г.

StarCraft 2. Technolgy secrets. Part 1

Reverse engineering was done at October 2010. I decide to translate my work in backward chronological order, because older games now have a little outdated 3D technologies, and I think is not that interesting than new ones.

This part about ingame graphics rendering. Movies (engine renderer based) will be described in part 2.

четверг, 12 апреля 2012 г.


Hi, my name is Roman. I am professional graphics and game developer form Kiev, Ukraine. My hobby is reverse engineering renderers of popular games, and presenting results to public. I am doing this since 2006, but all my publications was in Russian language. I decide to translate all my previous work into English, to interest wider auditory.

P.S. All current materials (in russian) can be found at http://users.livejournal.com/__vortex__